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Our Club

The Mini Owners Club of WA was formed in March 1985 and at present we have approximately 200 Minis in the club. The aim of the club is for people with a common interest to get together to enjoy that same interest - Your Mini.


We organise a wide variety of activities from sporting to social events. The club is socially oriented with events such as - social car rallies, observation runs, displays, camping weekends and inter club events such as ten pin bowling, water skiing, paint balling etc.
Club can organise a large range of events and functions to include everyone in the fun, which means the entire family can join in and not just the driver. We also have perpetual trophies for some sporting events and Club Member of the Year based on attendance and effort not skill level.

Concessional licensing is available through the club as well, and members can obtain mechanical advice on maintenance and parts with club discounts available at some suppliers.
If you are interested in joining our club all you need is a MINI and good sense of humor.
